Communiqué - April 09, 2000

Do you also experience "dry" seasons?

From time to time we experience what I term, "dry" seasons in our walk with the Lord. Those times where it seems as if God is far away from us.

During those times it appears we cannot "sense" God's presence and this often leads to us having thoughts and feelings of condemnation.

Most of the time these feelings of condemnation come because we convince ourselves that we have committed some kind of sin, causing the presence of God to leave us.

Simply draw closer to Him

Now, even though it is quite possible that sin could be the cause, chances are that it is not, and all that is needed is that we simply draw closer to the Lord.

During these dry times you and I tend to forget that in Scripture there is no promise telling us that we will continually "sense" God's presence.

In fact, the Bible teaches that we walk by faith and not according to the senses or feelings. We also forget that He has promised never to leave us or forsake us (Heb 13:5).

These "dry" times are more often than not a result of our own prayers, asking God to increase our hunger for Him.

By the time the "hunger" arrives, we have forgotten our prayers, and we misinterpret what we sense in our spirit with God being "far away."

In reality it is not God that is far away from us, but we sense the increase in our hunger for God.

Be filled with the Word and Spirit continually

To quench our "hunger" and "thirst" for God, we need to be filled with His Word and Spirit continually.

Over the years I have seen that as Christians grow in spiritual stature, their hunger increases proportionately, and the "milk" of the Word which satisfied them previously, does not do so any longer (Heb 5:12-14; 1 Peter 2:2).

This means that as believers you and I need to delve deeper into the Word, "digging" for God's hidden treasures.

As a service to you, I am now providing Word teachings on this Website that will help you increase in spiritual stature, and will quench your "hunger" for the "meat" of the Word.

You can study these teachings by clicking HERE...

May God bless you and cause you to grow as you eat the Bread of Life!!

Yours in His Love and Anointing

Jan van Rooyen

Click HERE to download as an eBook

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