What in the World is God Doing?

Business People listening to teaching on Kingdom Economics

Business People listening to teaching on Kingdom Economics

As the Church moves forward into the future, the role of Kingdom Economics is steadily becoming more and more important.

All Christian Believers must understand as well as apply the principles of Kingdom Economics in the Church, their personal lives, their businesses and every other aspect or sphere of life where economics play a role.

One of the dimensions where RAIN International SA has been mandated by God is in the area of Kingdom Finances and Economics. For centuries there has been a massive lack of knowledge and understanding of the important role financial support and stewardship play in the work and mission of the Church.

Our aim is to reach, teach and school as many Ministers and Believers in the foundational principles of accurate Kingdom Economics. This will become increasingly important in the day to day life of the Church as the financial systems of the world begin to falter and fail.

Are you interested in learning more about Kingdom Finances and Economics?

To book Jan & Annika for a Kingdom Economics or Kingdom Business Seminar in your ministry or business, please visit our Contact Page for more information.

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