  Forward into God's New Season - 31/12/2014 |
As we enter 2015, we do so with great expectation, anticipating the unfolding of God's Plan in the Church and the world!
As we move forward, we must do so with the knowledge that our times and seasons do not coincide with those of God. God spoke to us in February 2014 & indicated the closure of a 20 year season and the beginning of a new cycle. The Holy Spirit revealed this to have commenced in August 2014.
As we look to the future, we can expect major changes and shifts in Church and Governmental Leadership structures to continue happening until at least after June 2015. Also, major shifts in nations, both in Governments and in natural situations will continue to increase. As all this takes place, we must continue to posture ourselves as Lambs before our Father and allow His Word and Spirit to upgrade and conform us to the Image of Christ. This is the only valid posture for the Church if She is to successfully engage and negotiate through the turmoil lying ahead!
While the world tries to accomplish their will and purposes, God is accomplishing His Will & Purposes, and these will override those of the world. This causes tremendous turmoil, however, Christ & His Church are the Ark being lifted up by the storm, again focusing man's attention on God & His Kingdom.
Jesus said, "I came to do the Will of Him Who sent Me... To bear witness to the Truth... To finish the work He gave me to do" (John 4:34; John 18:37 ).
As we go into 2015, let us do so with this same heart & mind, and become the salvation & redemption this world so desperately needs!
In the Father's Love and Grace
Jan van Rooyen
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