Ron Kussmaul - Prophecy at Wings of Business - 30 May 2006  Prophecy - 30 May 2006

Ron Kussmaul releases Prophecy at Business Meeting

Prophetic word through Rev. Ron Kussmaul at Wings of Business - 30 May 2006.

For the sands of time are shifting.
There is a change upon the earth.
In many places there is death, famine and dearth.
These are times of destiny.
These are times that My people have to see.
These are times of change of not stability.
These are times when everything is in ebb and flow.
Tide of all time is coming in and going out,
and I am making adjustments on the earth.
For certain things have to take place before I can work a work completely.
I am putting these things in position.
Fear not little flock for as surely as I speak these words to you tonight,
I have you in the cleft of My hand,
no matter where you are in this land.
And understand we shall walk together, completely through.
The river will not overflow you;
the fire will not kindle upon you.
But I have a destiny for you to live.
And understand that in times, your natural sight,
your eyes and your ears pick up things that will cause fright.
But understand Me and understand it well,
this is a time of change.
You'll walk through it, you'll come through...
on the other side and I have much for you to do.
But the key, but the key, but the key, is release your life to Me
so I can give it back to you.
Release your life and I'll can give you My life.
Many of you have tasted just a little.
I have much, much more to show you,
much, much more to teach you,
much, much more to give you and
much, much more to work with you through in this world.
Understand Me and know: Times are changing - I am changing those times.
Don't look at the natural world and say: 'Oh, Technology has ruined this and
technology has ruined that'.
It is my Spirit in the minds of rich and poor.
Good and bad, even in saints, that bring technology to the forefront.
I want My church to be at the forefront of that technology.
But generation after generation, generation after generation, generation after
generation, generation after generation, they have turned their back upon it.
I am looking for a generation who will advance into the world and accomplish
what My Son has said: 'Go ye in all the world; teach them what I commanded
So the world has been set, the scene has been played out and the curtains have
been pulled back on the greatest performance...


The curtains have been opened
of what will be the greatest triumph of the church.
Pressure comes, but My people shall prevail and walk through unscathed.


Part of My church will go the world's way.
They will turn aside and take a way
that seemeth right unto man but the ways thereof are the ways of death.
And they shall surely die in their decisions.
But they shall turn away and you shall stand and watch them go.
They'll turn because they haven't laid down their lives for Me, as I did for them.
They haven't released their lives so they can pick them up again.
And understand Me, new authority and new boldness will be preached from the
New revelation that has never been seen and heard shall be lifted from the
pages, and My apostles and prophets will finish the assignments that I have
given them.
Prophesy will be fulfilled, much of it in a twinkling of an eye. And new areas...


...New areas of expertise, new areas of belief, new areas of prayer, new areas of
prophecies, new areas...
Fresh, fresh, fresh manna from My Word.
It will be rejected by some;
it will be received with great rejoicing by others.
Separation is coming. Into darkness shall some go,
simply because they are smart and they think they know.
They think they see and know and understand the Scriptures clear,
but they are not, not, not anywhere near
to the kingdom of God.
So do not let the intellect trouble
do not let the natural mind bubble.
But walk by the Spirit; know your God,
and I will be with you everywhere you trod.
For we have much to do,
Yes, Me and you,
we have much to do,
and I have much to do through you.
I must make changes and adjustment here and there,
but I will not ruffle or remove one hair.
You'll remain intact -
you'll not have lack
and every word will come through.


For surely it will happen and surely you will see.
You'll enter into life that's totally free.
You'll enter into a new level much level you'll see,
higher and higher and higher in Me.
The more you turn loose, the higher you will become,
until you and I together we will run.
We'll skip and run right down though this life.
From mountain top to mountain top.
Only on the heights. Yes, you and I will see
Much, much glory and we will be free.


And a great understanding shall surely come to the five-fold ministry.


For apostolic times are about to open.


And I have stationed certain individuals around this earth with apostolic callings
that will carry them and override the death, the famine and the dearth.
They'll call down rain from My very heaven,
because their lives are simple and not filled with leaven.
They're release new life within this earth.
Yes, and false apostles and false prophets namely said:
'We'll see the door closed as I put them to bed'.
They'll fall away because My light is coming.
And things that have been done in darkness,
I shall shine a light, My living light.
And it shall come open for all peoples to see.
Know this: It is a time of total freedom, but make sure you're free.


I unified the Body of Christ I shall now unify My called ones from the four corners
of the earth.


A new generation I will raise.
A new generation will give Me praise.
They will use new concepts shed forth and released by My hand,
and they will go exactly where I say in each and every land.
You will see them in the boardrooms and on the sidewalks too.
They will go every place that I tell them and send them to.
They will carry the fire and the glory of God.
They are not expecting it to come; they reside in it you see.
Yes, yes, yes. All My promises are yes, yes, yes!
Few have seen; some have heard,
but after this season of change,
you will see who walks in the Word.
They will shine as lights in darkness.
Signs and wonders will be
shed forth in the earth openly for all to see.
And before prayer is finished, the answer will come.
Because of that multitudes will run.
And as they come, they will fall at the cross,
they'll pick up life and they'll leave what was lost.
The flood will come in - too many to receive.
So prayer warriors hear me... that's the need.
Pray and plant now, the answer for how.
We can receive the great multitude.
Your system that's used down this earth
lacks creativity and need to be developed and birthed.
You cannot handle the multitudes you see.
Your buildings and your traditions restrict... they restrict Me.


Yip! Yes, see that. Yes Sir, I see it.

For time is a passage-way, both sure and true,
It's a hallway that you go through.
Time and experience down here on this earth
is the season you plant when you have the new birth.
And the harvesters received up in heaven from Me
After the power and My ability is seen in thee.
So release yourself in this time and you shall surely move
and find that My word is true
And when I'm through with you
You'll shine as lights in glory too.
Light is inside in the essence of My Son,
and in this coming season each of you will run.
You'll run and you'll run in this zone called time
and with great, great rejoicing you will find
that My word is true and My power is there.
All you have to do is believe and My power you can share.
The power will begin without ebb or flow
and it will be a floodtide that my servants will know.
So decide this night and begin this way
to open a door to a brand-new day.
In the realm of time
you will find exactly what that power is like -
that power of Mine.
For the sick, the cripple, the weak and the hurting masses are there.
Its about to be your time; it is about to be your season.
It comes because of Me, in no particular reason.
Because My schedule is set - time is moving. This is your time
Begin to find exactly, exactly the doorway I have for you
And then push and push and push your way through.


Many of you sitting here will reach new level of your life.
Many of you will drop off the last vestiges of strife.
You'll quit striving and trying and work and see.
You'll enter into My rest, My peace and you'll see.
All of it is free; it all comes from Me
but enter into My rest is a new quality.
Most never do, only a few try,
but during times of change everyone can fly.
You can fly with Me, and you can see,
and you can understand My Spirit because its free.
Release what you have to, do not be lost.
Understand, understand [Tongues]... that nothing is lost.
So release it to Me,
and as you run free,
you and I will run go through this harvest field and see.
Souls multiplied in the kingdom of God
and the chaff blown away by the wind as we trod .
Through the fields of the people who don't have eyes to see.
No, they will not understand...

(Prophecy through Rev. Ron Kussmaul at Wings of Business Meeting - 30 May 2006.

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