Prophetic Words Prophecy WordsProphecyProphetic Impressions for South Africa - 02 November 2016  Prophetic Impressions for South Africa - 02/11/2016 Prophetic Word

Prophecy first released by Prophet Shaun Blignaut - 02 November, 2016

The Lord says, "I am not yet done dealing with the political leaders of this nation." As arrogance persists, so will I expose more of what is laying beyond what is apparent.

See, I am stirring up the pot of filth that has been lying dormant for so long, covered under the guise of political expedience. I am digging deep into the muck and filth of decades... What you see and survey as apparent is the movement of My Hand of indignation against years of brutalizing the system of "so-called" democracy.

See, I am giving political leadership one last opportunity to choose that which is JUST AND RIGHT. Let My true church begin to DECREE that the time of My glory is now!

See, I have assigned to RSA a host of powerful angels... watching, waiting to work with My Church. The battle that is raging in the political-democratic arena has a deep spiritual root! - It cannot be won by political persuasion alone!

What you witness is the stirring of My Spirit upon your land! I am getting ready to activate My true Church into action, it will be a holy revolt against the true enemy of this land... Satan, The Accuser, The Prosecutor... that Ancient fallen prince, who now is discerning that his time of blinding the minds of unbelievers has come to an end in RSA. Now I stir a spiritual revolt in the realms of spirit!

See, I have send you My emissaries - yet you have relied upon outdated modes of detecting the enemy ... Now, I intensify My attack upon the onslaught from the demonic realm against this land. Like in the days of Job, Satan has desired to sift you like wheat and he has strategized against My true Church's rising within this nation. The battle has always been a spiritual one, while the land of RSA has become the battlefield, and captured, compromised men his means to reach his ends!

There will be many more casualties in both political and economic/financial spheres. See, I have stirred the pot of filth lying dormant into open manifestation and so to surface long hidden secrets of hearts of those set in agreement with the adversary. The battle is spiritual - we fight in the unseen realm!

Now I have My emissaries ready with battle strategies! I have given you this land, now contend for it... fight the good fight of faith for it!

Greater clouds of opposition is forming on the horizon of time and space, yet so many who call Me "Lord" cannot see, cannot discern the time of My visitation. It is time to look beyond the occurrence of natural reality - lift up your eyes and survey the finish. I have set My Throne in agreement with My True Church... My discerning Church. This is the time of your visitation... mount up on wings of eagles and begin to soar on the wind of My Spirit.

Connect, enjoin, come together, cluster together, form alliances and begin to shout on your walls for the cities of this nation are under the watchful eyes of the Lord's Spirit! One runner should run to another declaring to the king of Babylon that cities of this nation are now under the control of the Spirit of the Lord.

This is a day of rejoicing... I am the "Law-enforcer" and My Throne is reverberating with divine activity in preparation of moving in favour of My remnant! Just like Elisha prayed that the eyes of his servant might be open to see "that those who are for us are more than those who are against us" So also, know that I am with you says the Lord!

Ancient forces have been stirred in revolt against you, but this is My unseen architecture at work... so look not for answers in the seen, visible, natural realm... look beyond physical occurrence... look to Me... look to My emissaries... My authentic sent ones among you. Keep their words and you shall live in a day of crisis!

See, I bare My arm on your behalf... I will work a mighty deliverance in the midst of the crisis for you... just do not fret... look to Me... Connect with true, authentic apostolic/prophetic leaders whom I have prepared for a time such as this. See, I establish a different relational order across your land! I have breathed over your spiritual formations and found some wanting... weighed within My balances says the Lord.

It is time for My people to recognize the true authentic voices I have raised up for a time such as this - the turmoil is nearly over, the shaking nearly concluded!

I seek justice... the function of My Integrity
I seek for Righteousness... the principle of My Integrity
I seek to be held in high esteem among you
I seek My honor in you My true Church

Time has come for Me to unveil My armory... you are My war club... My arm will work mightily for you!
It is time to rise, time to rise into My purpose for your nation!
Time to arise out of slumber into actualizing My prophetic purposes for RSA!
Time to arise in splendor and let My voice sound as a trumpet within your nation!

Arise, shine, for your light has come!
Begin to build, restore and reform... rebuild the ancient ruins within the context of this nation!
The Lord says, "Gather, O, My troops and thresh... see, I give you the former dominion... the dominion of your father David!
Get ready, to enter the battle... it's an ancient battle... a spiritual battle... it's a spiritual revolt from the forces of Jezebel that has been triggered against My holy One! Begin to ask, "Why do the forces of darkness conspire against our land, and why do they plot against the Lord and His Anointed?"
Surely, they plot in vain, for "I have set My King on My Holy Hill"


I am getting ready to shift My chosen leaders into place!
Decree it, pass a law over the cities of this nation, declare the arrival of a new day within RSA, new leadership in formation, and declare it! ...speak it in faith!

My true Church will be consulted by government in the coming months, for first, I needed to show forth the utter incompetence and spiritual bankruptcy of a fallen religious order within this land that paraded as My divine representative, says the Lord!
Now My true Church and her true leaders will rise... they will be consulted... New directives are coming from the hand of the Lord for this nation... My purpose for RSA will stand!

Just do not fret!
Decree change! Declare it!
Speak it!
Rejoice for My Holy Arm shall accomplish it!

See, My fire is burning on My Holy Mountain... For surely, "the mountain of the Lord's house shall be established on the top of the mountains, And shall be exalted above the hills: And peoples shall flow to it"
This fire is the Spirit of burning and the Spirit of My holy indignation!
The judgment of My Spirt will burn with unquenchable fire against the futile attempts of your adversary who sought for your land's demise"

Now My Hand will move within this nation to restore... restore!
Lost fortunes and lost time I surely will restore!
This I do for My Name's Sake!

Shaun Blignaut
2 November 2016

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