What in the World is God Doing?
Ron Kussmaul Prophesies the Word The Word of the LordProphetic WordsRon Kussmaul Prophecy - 01 October 2003  Prophecy - 01 October 2003 Prophecy

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Prophecy by Ron Kussmaul at Wings of Business meeting in Pretoria, South Africa on 01 October 2003.

There is a wind blowing and there is spiritual knowing and the time is at hand for God to stalk through the land and He shall purge His body. He shall cleanse His temple and He shall cause a mighty fire to come in the heart of His people.

Know that the wind that blows across you tonight is only a foreshadowing of a mighty wind that is to come. Open your hearts. Holy Spirit, come, flood this building, blow across Your people, in Jesus Name.

Fire of God, fall upon us tonight, burn the dross, oh God, that has held us. In Jesus name, receive the anointing of God for this season on your life. Flow Holy Spirit, touch, release, empower in Jesus name: flow, flow, flow, flow, flow, flow.

The things you've been waiting for will open up to you.

For the Word of the Lord has come to me and you must release the things of the mental realm, that which is natural and led by the senses, the touch, the taste, the natural physical realm. It is not in the hearing, but it is in the Spirit. It's in the receiving and the Lord is opening the door for each of you tonight.

It's a good door and some of you have knocked upon many, but refused to quit and, because of that, you shall have the door that God opens. For He is opening a door tonight. It will take several months for the door to be revealed to you from across the earth, but it will be revealed to you.

There are many things that God is saying tonight, but He wants you to know that He loves you and that around the world He has people just like you: People who are pressing in, people who have a hunger for Him, people who're thirsty and hungry for more of God and He wants you to know He's the answer. He's the answer. He's the answer.

This is your time. It's time now to reap like never before and the harvest and the increase and the abundance that you've looked for will begin to come in great waves and the earth will not understand why certain countries blossom and prosper and certain others wither and die. But iniquity, iniquity is being called to account and God will call it to account.

Righteousness, righteousness will be seen across the earth and the righteous shall reap great rewards and the unrighteous shall be in fear, because of the fear of what they see upon the earth and the inability to walk by the Spirit of God. But understand Me, press in; you're almost there. Press in, push. Just a little more of Me and just a little less of you will swing the door wide.

I desire that with all my heart. Understand Me. The time is now. You'll begin to see things change. Remember this night, because you were there ahead of time and you will see things that look fearful in the natural, but a supernatural peace will flood your being and, in the midst, when everybody is running around, you'll be steady and rock solid.

I have brought you to this point. Do not pull back. Trust Me, trust Me, trust Me, my children. Trust Me.

The things of God are so simple, but I demand obedience. I demand holiness. Shun the wrong and do the right.

Begin to flow in the supernatural from this night. Begin to expect things to turn on your behalf. I speak to you now so you are more prepared.

The time is at hand and I am again going to move through the land and I shall touch every realm. I shall touch into the intellectual realm, those who not understand me or know me. I will touch into the economic world. I will travel the nations at the very presidential levels and you will see a strange thing happen, things that you never, ever thought would happen, will happen. Never, ever and they shall happen (snap) like that, because I deem it to be so. I change men's hearts in a second. I can make the worst man kind in a nano-second and I understand atomic better than the scientists do.

Everything is in the cleft of My hand and tonight you have become different people.

Ron (Speaking in Tongues)

Just raise your hands as high as you can over your head as you are sticking them in the [glory] clouds right now. Father, anoint their hands in Jesus Name and, Lord, let them do the things of God and let them be the answer in the natural realm and let them be the vessels, dear God, that You use. Anoint them Jesus in a special way for these days ahead.

Thank you Jesus

We worship You.


(Prophecy by Ron Kussmaul at Wings of Business meeting in Pretoria, South Africa on 01 October 2003.

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